So much happens in such a short time.
When my daughter was a month old, she spent her time eating, crying, pooping, puking, and sleeping.
When she was 2 months old, she spent her time eating, crying, pooping, puking, sleeping, and screaming.
When she was 3 months old, she spent her time eating, crying, pooping, puking, sleeping, screaming, holding her head up, and looking at things.
When she was 4 months old, she spent her time eating, crying a little, sleeping, holding her head up, looking at things, playing in her jumperoo, pooping, smiling, reaching for toys, petting the cats, and trying to hold her bottle.
She is now 5 months and 6 days old. She sits up for a few minutes at a time, She loves grabbing her toes when her legs are in the air. She gets a good grip on her bottle, but hasn't figured out how to get it in her mouth yet. She has gotten really good at picking things up, even very small things. She has 2 teeth. She can stand with very little assistance.
I was aware that the time period from 5-7 months is known aas the golden age of infancy and now I know why. It is the most amazing thing. You can actually see her learning and figuring things out. She notices everything, has developed her own opinions about items she comes in contact with everyday. She has preferred toys, toys she shuns, she likes watching our boy cat better than the girl cat, but she prefers petting the girl cat over the boy cat.
She is changing daily, time is flying by and it makes me a little sad. Before Alex and I know it, she will be graduating from high school and I feel like there is no way to capture every little moment and I worry that I may forget the little things that I love so much. Even though I write down a lot of it, I will forget how I feel during those special moments. It is one thing to read that I loved when she licks my shoulders, it is quite another thing to feel that love when she does it.
On a completely unrelated note, I have to put down in writing what motherhood has done to my tolerance levels. I have a deep well of patience for babies. After dealing with colic, I am fairly confident that my patience for babies is virtually inextinguishable. My tolerance levels for everyone else...not so much.
I am having a much harder time dealing with other's bullshit. I have always been fairly headstrong and I am not shy in stating my opinions. But, I could listen to people prattle on about really silly things without batting an eyelash. I recall, with great clarity, a 4 hour lunch where I had to listen to a former friend talk about how she couldn't understand why she had a rep for being promiscuous while talking about the random guy she had shtooped the night before. I, of course, gave the right sympathizing words to her. "Nobody thinks you are slutty", "You are a single woman that can do what she wants to do", "I totally think that guy from last night will call you".
Now, I would tell that friend that she is a dumbass and needs to close her legs. I just don't have that tolerance for people anymore. People get hung up over the dumbest things, things that are of no actual consequence. Get over it and get over yourself. And if you can't do that, keep that stupid shit to yourself, I don't want to hear it.
Umm, ditto to all of it! But especially the last part about your former friend. I have a male coworker that used to come to my desk to whine about stupid shit all of the time, and I used to let him because it was something to do besides work. Now, I don't have the patience to listen to his tirades and although I never told him, I guess my face/actions spoke loud and clear b/c he hasn't come to talk to me in several weeks. Oops!