Wednesday, February 29, 2012

a whole new world

We recently started Evangeline on solids. This has proven to be a very interesting endeavor. And by interesting, I mean it pretty much sucks ass.

I make her food as I don't want any chemicals, hormones, preservatives, etc. going into her little body. You would think that Gerber Peaches have pureed peaches and water. You'd be wrong. There are some hard-to-pronounce things in that ingredients list. It is not just the additional ingredients in pre-made baby food I worry about. I also do not want the food I make to be covered in pesticides. Luckily the USDA has a list of fruits/ veggies (which is all Evangeline eats now) that homemade food makers can use as a reference for buying organic. While I would love to buy all organic, it is really expensive, so I stick to buying the following produce items as organic (or will buy them once Evangeline is old enough to eat them):

1) peaches, 2) apples, 3) bell peppers, 4) celery, 5) nectarines, 6) blueberries, 7) strawberries, 8) cherries, 9) kale, 10) potatoes, 11) imported grapes, 12) spinach.

These 11 items consistently have the highest pesticide content as measured by the USDA.

Of course, once Evangeline starts eating dairy and meats, my list of organic-only items will dramatically increase.

So, the way you make food is easy. You wash, peel, steam, and puree. It is done. We bought those ice cube trays with a lid to freeze and store the baby food. Easy peasy.

Here is what is not easy: feeding her the food and dealing with the poop.

Evangeline is 6 months old today, she likes to grab things, hit things away, reach for things that are not close by, and she just loves putting every single thing she can get her hands on in her mouth. So, while I try to feed her, she grabs the spoons and waves it around. This is really cute, unless there is food on the spoon, then it just sucks. Every third, or so, spoonful gets batted away as she brings her hand down to hit the spoon away. Cue the flying pureed squash.

She also likes to reach for the little dish that holds her food. I try to keep it out of her reach, but sometimes I forget. She waits for me to forget and makes a grab for it, sticking her fingers in the bowl and then touching her hair, her clothes, her highchair, my hair, my clothes, the cats, her toys, etc. But, let's just say that I am able to successfully get half of the food into her mouth, there is still the bib to deal with. She loves picking up her bib and sucking on it. But, when it is covered with pureed veggies, her face just becomes a sheen of yams or squash.

In other words, solids are messy business.

Speaking of business, solids make poop and the act of pooping a nightmare. Formula and breastmilk poops are easy. They are really soft and don't smell that bad. Solids poops are pastey and smell awful. But the worst part is the constipation. My God!! Baby girl is having such a tough time with it. She cries in so much pain and Alex and I have to help her pass her poop. I will not get into how that works. Pears and prunes help a lot in that department, but it is heartbreaking to see your baby in pain from constipation. I am really hoping that her digestive system gets used to solid food soon, so she doesn't have to experience too many more bouts of constipation.

I will say that it is really cute to see her trying new foods. Her formula is nas-tay!! So, everytime she experiences a new flavor, you can see her wonder and her shock. We have been videotaping the first time she tries a new food and it is a trip to see her reaction to real flavors. We have tried:
1) Oatmeal- no strong reaction to it
2) Pears- she likes a lot
3) Yams- she eats them, but does not get excited
4) Squash- she loves very much
5) Prunes- seems to like
6) Apples- not a all

Tomorrow we try carrots.


  1. Thanks for posting info on the pesticides! I have been buying organic when I can, esp. if the peel is supposed to be left on, such as zucchini. It sounds like we have the same solid food experience - messy going in and coming out. :)

  2. You might want to look up some information on Baby Led Weaning as well. We feed Delaney purees, but I have been giving her some whole foods as well. She gets so excited and it also keeps her occupied so I can eat my dinner first. A helpful tip for the spoon grabbing is to give her a spoon of her own to hold so she doesn't try to grab the one you are feeding her with. Have fun!

  3. I recorded the first try of foods with Thomas and the result was hysterical. I even made a food face montage video! :) Next time you're in Sayville - let me know :)
